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Nice Small Coffe Shop

Yesterday my producer took me on a survey, a coffe shop yup we gonna have some shoot in this coffe shop. I dont remember the location is but i do the name it called javva.

Look like dexter labotary stuff but aint, this is pure over if i'm not mistaken. Put the coffe in the upper glass, the middle glass is for water then we turn on the fire. Wait for minute then the coffe will flow down to the water, awesome huh

They sell many kind mostly from local distric of Indonesia

A bunch of coffe stack

First time i thought this is a display of a poetry, then the owner told me all of this things is a coffe maker from around the world.

The space is kind a small, it only can manage 12 people. I have to say small but cozy

We had an ethiopian coffe, taste light almost like water but just my opinion. I didn't knew much bout coffe stuff


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